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Standing up for Stansberry



Gratitude and respect to Linda Stansberry for writing about the exploitation and rape of some women in the local grow culture ("Women in Weed," Jan. 8). I had no clue that this was going on.

Linda followed up her first op-ed with a second one describing the angry and abusive reaction she received from some readers ("Are You OK?" Jan. 29). Apparently a local comedian's Facebook page was so loaded with personal attacks against Linda that her friends reached out to ask if she was OK.

So it looks like Linda touched a sore spot, opened a wound to the air and light.

Linda promises to keep covering the painful realities of the local MJ industry, as well as being a one-on-one ally to friends and acquaintances in that trade who are in danger. Go Linda. I hope that people in the marijuana industry will show a fraction of her courage and commit to better protecting and respecting their female employees and co-workers.

Jim Hight, Eureka


Powerful. What you have written could not have been better said. As the son of a mother, sibling of a sister, husband of a wife, father of daughters and friend of countless women, I salute you. Keep at it, Linda, and perhaps, together, we can change what needs to be changed.

Tim Cochrane, Ettersburg


Thank you for printing Linda Stansberry's wise words. She gives me hope for humanity. I was referring, by the way, to "Are you OK?" and not fritters. I haven't yet read about fritters, maybe that's wise too.

Mitch Trachtenberg, Trinidad

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