Letters + Opinion » Publisher

To Our Readers, an Apology



Two weeks ago a veteran member of our editorial staff made an error in judgment. He had offered to cover a controversial meeting in Fortuna -- to take photos and report on the gathering he and his wife planned to attend anyway. It turned out his wife spoke at the meeting, the crowd reacted strongly and negatively, and he reported accurately on the exchange he considered pivotal to the coverage. Only he used her maiden name, one that she uses in her work as an artist and elsewhere.

Nevertheless, the intent was clear: to conceal or obscure her identity and to mislead readers. It was an ethical lapse we consider serious and we sincerely apologize.

The story, "Tea in Fortuna: Frightened patriots attempt to make sense of health care reform" by Bob Doran, is available on our Web site with an amended footnote. Doran has been the Journal's arts and entertainment editor, covering all things cultural, since 1998.

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