Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

Yes, Trees



I was delighted to see Barry Evans' Field Notes article ("Trees, Please!" July 4) about street trees in the Journal. He did a wonderful job highlighting many of the benefits of tree-lined urban thoroughfares. Trees also beautify neighborhoods, increase property values, and have been shown to improve safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, something we know to be an issue in Eureka.

I wanted to take a moment to encourage residents of the greater Eureka area to contact me, or Keep Eureka Beautiful, if they are interested in signing up for the local programs to plant trees. Redwood Community Action Agency and Keep Eureka Beautiful are funded separately to do this work, so there are plenty of opportunities to get trees for low or no cost.

Both existing programs help with permits, picking a site for the tree that doesn't interfere with existing infrastructure, utilities or local ordinances, and reducing costs and planting work for homeowners. We collaborate to make sure that local needs are met wherever feasible. Please get in touch soon if you are interested in finding out more about programs in and near Eureka!

I would be happy to walk you through the process and refer you to the program that suits your unique circumstances. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 269-2059. Thank you for helping us make Eureka a more pleasant, safe and lovely place to live, work and love life!

Natalie Arroyo, Eureka

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