Redwood Region Audubon Society Presents Online Raptor Lecture


Russ Namitz banding white tailed kites on V Street Loop, Arcata, Ca. - PHOTO BY CHRIS NIEMALA
  • Photo by Chris Niemala
  • Russ Namitz banding white tailed kites on V Street Loop, Arcata, Ca.

Soar with the eagles during Redwood Region Audubon Society’s latest online presentation How to ID Raptorial Masters of the Sky - Eagles, Hawks and Falcons in Flight on Friday, March 12 from 7 to 8 p.m. at (free). Learn tips and tricks about raptor identification on the wing and at a distance, as well as some local raptor viewing spots to practice your skills from Russ Namitz, field biologist, pelagic bird guide and current holder of the Oregon Big Year record of 381 species.

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