Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

There is Help



I'd like to thank the NCJ for helping to keep our community informed during COVID-19.

PSAs, virtual town halls and local organizations have been helpful educating us about wearing masks, proper hand hygiene and social distancing, as well as food and financial assistance resources.

Unfortunately, I have not heard about resources available in our community for those struggling with stress, sleeplessness, anxiety and other mood issues related to and or independent of COVID-19.

Local therapists are offering sessions through online platforms and or telephone sessions.

People needing support can locate local therapists through several sources, including: www.ncamhp.org/directory.asp, www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists, and Humboldt Family Services Center at 443-7358 and www.humboldtfamily.org.

Open Door also has therapists on staff to help established Open Door patients. People can also ask their primary medical providers, some of whom have lists of local therapists.

People with private insurance and/or Partnership can call their insurance companies for a list of contracted therapists.

Fionna M. Davis, Eureka

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