
'The Shit Show'

Body camera footage sheds new light on first hours of Cal Poly Humboldt occupationBody camera footage sheds new light on first hours of Cal Poly Humboldt occupation



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6:32 p.m. — Mitchell advises Cress he's observed students through the southwestern first floor entrance bringing furniture upstairs. "Everything from downstairs was taken upstairs," he says.

6:38 p.m. — Cress updates Jackson with reports that protesters have now barricaded the southwestern and eastern entrances to Siemens Hall, in addition to having tied the doors on the southeastern entrance closed. Cress suggests having a team go in through a different door to "surprise them," but then says that would leave officers barricaded in the building, and it's decided they'll just send a team into the eastern entrance to remove the furniture barricade before clearing the building. "But we need to get going," Cress says. "They're definitely fortifying things."

6:41 p.m. — Cress and deputies cut the cord that had tied the building's southwestern doors shut, with Cress leaving the deputies in place to physically hold the doors open to prevent them from being tied shut again.

6:45 p.m. — Jackson calls Cress to revisit the option of entering through different doors to bypass the barricade and take the protesters by surprise. "If you go through [the other door], you're going to be on the other side of the barricade with them," Cress says, before directing Jackson to bring the team to the university quad to stage in front, remove the barricade and then enter the building. "It's as simple as this, come up and make the decision when you get here," Cress says.

6:49 p.m. — As the crowd on the quad grows, Cress asks people near Siemens Hall to give officers "a bubble" of space. "What's a bubble?" a middle-aged man standing nearby asks. "Just a bubble so they don't have to focus on two different things," Cress responds. "What bubble? I don't see a bubble," the man responds. "You're the bubble," Cress tells him. "You're a magical bubble, sir." "What's it based on?" the man asks. "Is there a bubble law?"

6:57 p.m. — The bubble man continues to try to engage Cress in conversation. "When you get home from work, you should look at some videos of what's going on in Gaza," he says. Meanwhile, the crowd on the quad continues to grow.

6:59 p.m. — Cress asks someone to bring him two additional body cameras from the station — one for him and one for Martin — apparently because their batteries are running low.

7 p.m. — Chants from within the building continue to grow louder, repeating, "Cops, go home, leave us the fuck alone."

7:04 p.m. — Jackson arrives at Siemens Hall — now wearing a helmet and tactical gear — with officers from various agencies, including some with crowd control shields. Jackson asks Cress to request more batons from the armory, noting not all officers have one.

7:06 p.m. — Officers form a line in front of Siemens Hall's western entrance, between the doors and the growing crowd of onlookers, who are now joining in chants with protesters in the building, yelling, "Boycott, divest!"

7:06 p.m. — "Really? These are students and y'all are showing up with fucking guns!" one protester yells at Cress. "These are students," the protester tells Cress when he asks her to back up. "You have guns. You have weapons. These are students calling for peace. And you are leading this. You are literally about to lead violence among students."

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