
'The Shit Show'

Body camera footage sheds new light on first hours of Cal Poly Humboldt occupationBody camera footage sheds new light on first hours of Cal Poly Humboldt occupation



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7:27 p.m. — Dispatch advises that every allied agency in the county is sending units, adding that California Highway Patrol is sending a helicopter.

7:28 p.m. — Cress returns to the quad and makes his way to the entrance to Siemens Hall but finds his path blocked by protesters. "Excuse me," he says, repeating the request with increasing urgency as the group does not part. Some shoving ensues until several officers come to Cress' aid, violently shoving the crowd back, yelling, "Back up, back up!" A protester shouts, "Get the fuck out of here, you pigs!"

7:30 p.m. — The crowd in front of Siemens Hall continues to grow, becoming increasingly vocal and hostile to officers.

7:31 p.m. — Officers begin a push to move the crowd outside the building back, yelling, "Move back," as they push protesters backward in unison. "Gimme a pepperball," Cress directs, referring to the gun that fires rubber balls filled with pepper spray. "We're going to disperse this one with pepperball." Jackson looks around for a moment then tells Cress, "Nobody has it with them." Increasingly urgent screams seem to come from the front line of officers pushing the gathered crowd back, and Jackson reports an officer is responding to the scene with a pepperball gun. A woman in a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf seems to be holding her ground against pushing officers, yelling, "You're hurting me," as they attempt to force her backward. "This one needs to go," Cress says, pointing at her. Deputies quickly pull her from the crowd and force her to the ground, cuffing her arms behind her. "Shoulders, shoulders, shoulders," Cress tells them as they lift her, before telling her, "Your phone is in your back pocket, ma'am."

7:34 p.m. — Jackson doubles back from the front line and tells Cress, "We need to start arresting these people, too." "Yeah," Cress replies, as police engage in a violent shoving match with protesters in front of him. "APD, KKK, IDF, they're all the same!" the crowd shouts.

7:36 p.m. — A man crosses the police line and approaches Cress. "I'm faculty here," he says. "I think the best thing you should probably do is just back off." "No," Cress replies. "It's going to get worse," the man responds. "It's not going to happen," Cress says. "They have their list of demands," the man continues. "They want to talk to [inaudible]." Cress replies, "Not going to happen right now." The man responds that "this is not a good pissing contest." Cress says, "Thanks for voicing your opinion but I'm not in a position to have a conversation about it right now, all right? Thank you." The man says, "You're just going to escalate the situation and make it worse. We have one student who's bleeding, We're going to have lawsuits." Cress counters that there are cops bleeding, too. "Really? In comparison to someone with a head injury?" the man responds. Cress tells him to get on the other side of the line but he continues: "This is really bad, Cress. This is really bad. ... You have no idea how bad you're fucking this up, Cress." Cress then asks officers to let the man through, back to the other side of the police line. "You don't even care," the man says as he leaves.

7:37 p.m. — The truck from facilities management begins backing into position and officers are directed to form a line alongside it to prevent the gathered crowd from grabbing items from it as they're put in by officers clearing the blockade. Cress then notices the driver has exited the vehicle and urgently directs officer Delmar Tompkins not to let anyone from the crowd take it before telling the driver to get back in. "Stay in the truck so they don't take it," he says. A protester jumps on the back of the truck and is quickly removed. Officers begin loading trash cans and other items from the barricade into the truck.

7:51 p.m. — EPD Chief Brian Stephens arrives on scene, checks on his officers and then connects with Jackson and asks what the goal is. "She said something to the effect of, 'We need to clear all these people off the quad,'" Stephens told the Journal. "I was like, 'You can't and that's not going to work. They're lawfully assembled.' I shut it down because we didn't have the authority and it wasn't going to work."

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