Have a Disgustingly Adorable Earth Day!


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Happy Earth Day, HumCo! If you're just bumming around your domicile on this fine Sunday morning like I am, you might as well enhance it by throwing on the most pukingly, snuggly screen saver in the cosmos: Baby Panda Cam!

That's right! To commemorate Earth Day, the Annenberg Foundation has launched a live HD video feed of panda cubs frolicking at the Bifengxia Panda Reserve in China.

So full screen that bizness! It makes folding laundry way more bearable.

UPDATE 11:03 a.m.: Oh snap! Two baby pandas are rolling around! Ahh!!!

UPDATE 11:09 a.m.: Ack! That littlest one is using its paws to hold the piece of bamboo it's eating! My gawd!

UPDATE 11:15 a.m.: Holy Moses, one climbed a tree! This is insane!



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